Who wishes upon a star
Knows, like twinkling twice
Hope can carry you far
Along moon beams beyond
Into the heart’s imaginings
No faith in magical wands
Beneath dark African thatch
That conceals in shadow
A smoky deceptive catch
And way out milky haze
Too wonderful to behold
At heavenly bodies gaze
The Southern Cross perhaps
Or a promise of new life
Like the magis’ maps
Beauty and strength, gone
Eyes once starry dimmed
Oh how her qualities shone
The dirt road stretches out
To Saramabila and Kindu
Empty and without doubt
Like an open cast mine
Diamonds and gold hidden
This scarred earth a crime
The soaked up innocent tears
Or the blood of Mai-Mai
For too many years
Sexual appetites ravish
Where savage violence reigns
Love surely must vanish
Oh how we are weary Lord
Yet little ones still beam
Before fathers bored
Your fabled fulness of life?
For these Congolese and me
Companions in this strife
Of a planet that is dying
Once lovely, enchanting
Neither known nor crying
Let it be as children do
Hopeful and expectant
Light shining through