01 March 2017

Poem For Shrove Tuesday: A Reprise

And so the clouds lift
The sky blue, clear
A warm sun on my back
Briefly hinting at summer
On bustling Fentiman Road
No fists shoved into thick overcoats
Or dampened figures hunched
As they scurry past
Doris, her recent fury past
And sweet Magdelene sipping coffee
With the man she worships
A breeze gently lifting the scent
Of the first new buds in Vauxhall Park
Boldly announcing: “Spring is here!”
We’re not so sure
But nature knows, each year
New life rises from death
And mercy triumphs over judgement
So take courage and look forward
To Jesus and our Easter Day
Though first he walked
Through Gethsemane to the cross
After pancakes on a Tuesday